Proton Cars Delayed Due to Extended Lock Down in Malaysia
July 7, 2021 / By Zunair Tahir / Automotive News

An Update for the Customers !
As we all know that their has been lock down in Malaysia is goin on due to Covid-19 Situation and now the lockdown has been extended till 12th of July. So Proton Pakistan has requested all its Customers to be patience during these testing times.
Proton Pakistan has generated a Notice for the Customers
With reference to our previous public notice published on 14th of June regarding lockdown in Malaysia imposed since 30th May, has now been further extended by the Malaysian Government till 12th July.
The Lockdown in Malaysia has affected the deliveries of CBU & CKDs to Pakistan as well as Proton other international market.

Al-Haj Automotive is all equipped to start local assembly of Proton vehicles but due to hold-up in the supplies of CKDs caused by covid-19 pandemic, we anticipate a further delay of two months in deliveries.
We assure our customers that we have planned to cover up his delay in the up coming months and regularize he delivery schedule by the year end. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to our customers by this delay and appreciate out patience and all time support.
Our prayers are with our Malaysian brothers and sisters and we hope that the situation comes under control very soon.
Management of Al-Haj Automotive Private Limited.