Toyota Hiace Grand Cabin Converted to Motor Home
Toyota Hiace Grand Cabin Converted to Motor Home
This Was a Custom Project Done In House Not Perfect Like Other Companies But U Will See Its Done in House by so Many Ideas were in Our Mind Like Many Project Seen On the Internet Social Media Like

Toyota Hiace Grand Cabin interior is all done Custom all Wood Work Inside Very Expensive Wood Used. All Features that u like at Your House and u feel like that when ever u go on a Vacation and u want to feel like u are at Home that is only Possible when u have a Motor Home with u and Toyota Hiace Grand Cabin is very good to Modified and easily Available in the Country

Things Done to the Interior Full Function Microwave Oven Solar panel Installed on the Roof Pure sine ware Invertor installed so the Lights Microwave all things can easily work Dc to Ac inventor installed Phone Laptop Can easily charge.

Easily 5 to 6 Person can travel in Comfort anywhere u like. Flooring done movable & Sliding seats in front and in back folding berth installed so u can easily sleep and also travel at the same time u can feel like u are at home u Can Cook food in the Kitchen area Gas tank also used and kept outside for safety reason. Ups used with 2 dry batteries are charged with solar panel on the roof. Compact washroom is one the back side cold and hot water tanks are below the car and have 45 liters of capacity whom which u can easily cook or Can take bath while the car is on the move.

Toyota Hiace Grand Cabin exterior is simple and by looking the car u cannot tell that its Converted to Motor Home. Two Solar panels are installed on the roof and two persons can sleeps in the camp that can also be placed on the roof.
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Custom Vinyl wrap sticker is done to the exterior tress mountain palm trees stickers are installed on the exterior of the car so that u can feel motor home effect people that see the car can also feel the customization that has been done to the car.