- Don’t Run On Empty

Never drive a car on empty. Fill up early if you don’t want to wind up paying whatever gas you can find or worse, being stuck in the middle of nowhere.
- Monitor Your Tires

Tires that are underinflated tend to wear out faster and waste gas. Operating a car with inadequate tire pressure is also quite risky. Check them on a regular basis.
- Tune The Engine

Anywhere between 40,233 and 160,934 kilometer’s, vehicles with electronic ignition and fuel-injected systems will benefit from a professional tune-up (25,000-10,000 mi). Older vehicles will require tuning considerably sooner. A well tuned engine burns less gas, among other benefits.
- Change The Filters

Changing the air filters on a regular basis is part of basic vehicle maintenance. This aids in the effective operation of automobiles.
- Use Correct Oil

According to the Department of Energy, using a quality of motor oil that fits your car manufacturer’s specs and certification criteria not only maintains your engine in great shape, but it may also boost your gas mileage by 1% to 2%.
- Manual V/S Automatic Transmission

Automatic automobiles, on the whole, take less work to drive, and some motorists prefer them. Manual transmission automobiles, on the other hand, are more fuel efficient than automatic transmission cars.
- Use GPS

Choose the optimal route by using the GPS satnav system in your vehicle to design the most fuel-efficient route to your destination. You may be able to dodge too many stop signs and traffic lights if you do so.
- Consider Going Hybrid

Hybrid vehicles are progressively making gains, despite the fact that gas-powered vehicles are still the norm. The evident reduction in gas consumption and the potential for gas savings, depending on how the automobile is utilized, are two advantages of operating a hybrid unit.
- Travel light

It goes without saying that a car that is too heavy is going to be slower. Extra stuff reduces fuel economy, so double-check the load the next time you pack the trunk. Is all that luggage really necessary for a vacation?
- Prioritize Highway Driving

Unless you’re driving a new car with an automated stop-start system, highway travel is significantly more fuel efficient than stop-start driving in congested regions. Because your speed seldom drops on the highway, you always obtain a superior mileage rating. Stopping regularly and then accelerating swiftly in the city is a gas-nightmare, guzzler’s both for the engine and your wallet.