How To Keep Your Car Cool In The Summer
May 12, 2022 / By Zunair Tahir / Automotive Blogs

The winters are long gone, and temperatures will soon soar to uncomfortably high levels. There will be times when you’ll need to get in your car and drive, but you’ll have to contend with excessively hot temperatures inside. Today, we’ll discuss ways to keep your automobile cool in the heat.
How to Keep Car Interior Cool During Summer
Tip #1 Use Sunshades/Window Visors
The first recommendation in our summer automobile cooling advice is to adopt the tried-and-true approach of utilizing sunshades. Sunshades and window visors are inexpensive and readily available at most auto accessories stores.

We ask that you use a sunshade or window visor whenever you park your car in the sun, even if it is only for a few minutes. These items prevent the greenhouse effect from occurring, ensuring that the interior of your automobile remains cool.
Tip #2 Use a Dashboard Cover
The second suggestion for keeping your car cool in the summer is to use a dashboard cover to keep the dashboard from heating up.

Simply said, when your car has been parked in the sun for a long, you will not have an unpleasant experience every time you touch the dashboard. Furthermore, due to the high temperatures they reach, these coverings protect the dashboard plastic from losing color or texture.
Tip #3 Cover the Steering Wheel too

Using the dashboard cover, however, isn’t a perfect answer. You must also keep the steering wheel from becoming too heated. What’s the answer? Use a steering wheel cover as well. This will assist you maintain a strong grip on the steering wheel since the surface temperature will be kept under control.
Tip #4 Park in Shade

The next advice on how to keep your automobile cool in the summer is the simplest on this list. Basically, parking your automobile in the shade is the greatest approach to avoid the sun. The inside will be cooler as a result. Despite the fact that this is a relatively fundamental concept, many of us neglect it and park in the first available space. However, we urge that you take a few minutes to find a shaded parking spot. If you can’t find any shade, a light-colored cotton bedsheet might be used to cover your interior.
Tip #5 Keep Windows Slightly Open

The second technique for keeping your automobile cool in the summer is another simple one. Simply leave the windows slightly ajar. Always remember that heated air rises. As a result, leaving the windows slightly open is the greatest approach to ensure that heat escapes from the confines of your automobile cabin. As a result, make sure the windows aren’t open wide enough for a burglar to slip his hand inside and unlock the vehicle. Even a little aperture will provide adequate ventilation and allow heated air to depart the vehicle inside.
Tip #6 Keep the Backside Cool

Another way to keep your seats cool, especially if they’re leather, is to use inexpensive cooling cushions. These cushions will also help to alleviate weariness while travelling for lengthy periods of time.
Tip #7 Use Solar Fans

While not simple, this is one of the most effective ways to keep your car cool in the summer. Invest in solar-powered window fans that may be simply hung. You can easily charge them with sunshine and utilize them to keep the cabin of your automobile cool by allowing cool air to enter.
Tip #8 Before You Start Driving

If you are going to start driving a car with a sun-heated interior, you may chill the cabin by opening all the doors and windows and turning on the air conditioning to full blast.
Tip #9 Get Your Air-Conditioner Serviced

Because prevention is better than cure, get your car’s air conditioner serviced before the summer arrives. This will assist you in effectively cooling the cabin when driving in the heat. In the heat, a clogged filter or low refrigerant gas levels can cause a lot of stress and impair cooling efficiency. Getting the air conditioner serviced should not cost more than Rs 3,000.
Tip #10 Keep Your Belongings In The Glove Box

This technique will not cool down the interior of your car, but it will keep your stuff secure. CDs and pen drives can be destroyed by direct sunshine and high cabin temperatures. As a result, you should never leave your goods exposed to direct sunlight in the cabin. To keep them out of the sun, keep them in the glove box or even the boot.